Who we are?
The Roellinger family is a family of “artisans” restaurateurs, hoteliers, and grocers, who love their Breton homeland and are passionate about gastronomy and the art of living. In 1982, Jane and Olivier Roellinger opened their first restaurant, “Le Bricourt”, in their family home in Cancale. In 2008, it became the first and only 3-star restaurant in Brittany.
Wishing to share a unique experience with their customers, the Roellinger family’s activities diversified by adding hospitality to their first restaurant business, thus becoming “Les Maisons de Bricourt”.
Today, Les Maisons de Bricourt includes four hotels (Le Château Richeux , la Ferme du Vent, le Petit hotel Les Rimains and les Gîtes Marins), two restaurants (le Coquillage and le Bistrot de Cancale), as well as a wellness area.
For a few years now, Hugo and Marine Roellinger have been managing Les Maisons de Bricourt together, surrounded by their team. Their dream of hospitality could not come true without the dining room’s actors and actresses, receptionists, cooks, pastry chefs, dishwashers, housekeepers, laundresses, and gardeners who accompany them every day with energy and generosity.
The Roellinger family is also expert on the art of spices. Directed by Mathilde Rœllinger. “Epices Roellinger” was founded in 1982 at the request of customers. Epices Roellinger chases the most beautiful spices all around the world, and creates the most delicate blends, sold in our tree spices shops in Cancale, Saint-Malo, and Paris.
Our sales experts take the time to offer advice and tips to holp everyone use spices more easily. In Cancale, in the Maison du Voyageur, our chefs cook our spices blends. Our order preparers package our spice mixes, rare peppers, and raw spices.

The words of Hugo Roellinger
The longevity of our journey is possible thanks to a strong collective crew and a united and happy team. Excellence and discipline are core values of our professions, inseparable from serene, pleasant, and fulfilling work atmosphere. Sustainability should be, first and foremost, a human one, that of the women and men who have shared our dream of hospitality, cuisine, and spices for over 30 years.
— Hugo Roellinger

Why join us ?
- To become part of family organisation where people are the heart of our management
- To train and learn with a passionate team
- To share with our customers a unique experience of hospitality
- To enjoy an exceptional working environment where respect for nature is fondamental
- To have the opportunity to evolve professionally within our Houses.
- To live in Brittany. Enjoy life by the sea and a unique way of life.